Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pressure Ulceration
We tried putting a vacuum pump type device on it to remove any fluid and dead tissue. It worked very well at first. One day, the only thing being removed was a Black Fluid. It was pretty disgusting. My nurse got very nervous and sent us to a plastic surgeon. He took one look and told me that surgery was necessary. He wanted to do a Flap Job. That is a type of skin graft where they take a High Tech Meat Slicer and remove a portion of skin from a nearby healthy part of your body leaving a piece attached. They then flap the detached portion of the skin over to the wound, place it in the wound and seal me up. The portion that was left attached was to allow for blood flow into the wound. I am not a doctor. That is my best explanation
The surgery went very well and all of the people in the hospital told me how nice my backside was. What can I say? However, after the surgery and for the next three years, I continued to have small-scale skin eruptions, mostly because I dropped a lot of weight in the hospital. I stopped eating because the hospital food was incredibly bad. Just Raisin Bran and Italian Ice. The last wound healed exactly 631 days ago. Not a day goes by where I am not worried.
How did this happen? To start off, I am a wheelchair user and can not adjust my position. Secondly, and most importantly I sit at my desk all day working. At the time, I was using a terrible cushion to sit on. I did that because I needed to be lower relative to my desk. Why did everything happen ? Well, I have always been very aggressive at my job. I take it very seriously. I lean forward on my desk to type on my computer, take notes and speak on my telephone.. When you lean forward like that, pressure occurs between the skin on your backside and the ischial (sp) bone. Constant pressure with no movement or blood flow in the tissue essentially kills it. The skin rips open and you have a problem. Now, I do not lean on my desk , use Dragon Naturally Speaking and things i are quite stable . This is as simple and laymen like as I could put it.
Below is a description for you:
Pressure Ulcers(Pressure sores; Bedsores; Decubitus Ulcers; Decubiti)
The Merck Manual Minute
Pressure ulcers are areas of necrosis and ulceration where tissues are compressed between bony prominences and hard surfaces; they result from pressure alone or pressure in combination with friction, shearing forces, or both. Risk factors include old age, impaired circulation, immobilization, malnourishment, and incontinence. Severity ranges from nonblanchable skin erythema to full-thickness skin loss with extensive soft-tissue necrosis. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment includes pressure reduction, avoidance of friction and shearing forces, local care, and sometimes skin grafts or myocutaneous flaps. Prognosis is excellent for early-stage ulcers; neglected and late-stage ulcers pose risk of serious infection and nutritional stress and are difficult to heal.
An estimated 1.3 to 3 million patients in the US have pressure ulcers (PUs); incidence is highest in older patients, especially those who are hospitalized or in long-term care facilities. Aging increases risk, in part because of reduced subcutaneous fat and decreased capillary blood flow. Immobility and comorbidities increase risk further.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bee Venom Therapy -- Apitherapy
by Mihály Simics
Bee venom therapy is the part of apitherapy which utilizes bee venom in the treatment of health conditions. Apitherapy is the use of beehive products, including honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee venom. It has been used since ancient times to treat arthritis, rheumatism, back pain, skin diseases and in this modern age as an alternative therapy to treat multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. Bee venom comes from the stingers of honey bees who use it in defense of the bee colony.
Bee venom is a rich source of enzymes, peptides and biogenic amines. There are at least 18 active components in the venom which have some pharmaceutical properties. The effect mechanism of the venom is not entirely know yet. Scientists believe it can modify the way the immune system functions in the body and contribute to increased cortisol production.
Traditionally, bee venom was administered with live bees by stimulating them to sting in the affected area, trigger points or acupuncture points. Depending on the nature of the disease, the standardized venom can be used in a cream, liniment, ointment or injection form. Bee venom is most effective when it comes directly from the live bee during the late spring to early fall season when bees have a good pollen source to produce potent venom. Their venom during the winter period is less potent. Next to the effect of a live bee, injectable venom solution is considered to be a standard method to administer bee venom. Venom solution is prepared from pure bee venom (Apis Venenum Purum) and is a homeopathic preparation. It is administered intradermally just between the skin layers or subcutaneously under the skin to imitate the effect of a bee sting. Each injection is equivalent to or is less than the average dry venom sac content of a honey bee. Bee venom is also used topically in creams, liniments and ointments. The application of venom solution with electrophoresis or ultrasonophoresis is practiced in Europe and China.
Bee venom therapy is practiced by health practitioners and lay apitherapists. There are treatment protocols available to follow. In general, the therapy starts with the determination of whether the patient is allergic to the venom by administering a small amount of venom intradermally. If no allergic reaction develops within a certain time, the therapy is continued with the administration of one to two bee stings or injections. The therapy is carried out every other day (three times a week) by gradually increasing the number of bee stings or injections. The length of the therapy is determined by the nature and severity of the condition.
There is discomfort associated with the administration of bee venom including pain, itching, swelling, inflammation and redness. Symptoms like redness, swelling and itching are desired effects of the therapy showing the response of the patient to the venom. The more severe the reaction, but not anaphylaxis, the faster the recovery. Anaphylactic reactions which can be life threatening are also reported from bee venom, but they are rare.
The literature of bee venom therapy is very extensive and lists over 2,000 titles. There are basic guidelines of the therapy which need to be followed. The education on the part of the patient and the therapist is critical and the obtained result is proportional to the knowledge and experience of the administrator of the venom.
Bee venom therapy is an alternative form of healing. In the hands of a licensed practitioner, it is considered to be safe and can be used when the patient does not respond to conventional treatment methods.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What is Hippotherapy?
Hippotherapy is a treatment that uses the multidimensional movement of the horse; from the Greek word "hippos" which means horse. Specially trained physical, occupational and speech therapists use this medical treatment for clients who have movement dysfunction. Historically, the therapeutic benefits of the horse were recognized as early as 460 BC. The use of the horse as therapy evolved throughout Europe, the United States and Canada.
Hippotherapy uses activities on the horse that are meaningful to the client. Treatment takes place in a controlled environment where graded sensory input can elicit appropriate adaptive responses from the client. Specific riding skills are not taught (as in therapeutic riding), but rather a foundation is established to improve neurological function and sensory processing. This foundation can then be generalized to a wide range of daily activities.
Why the Horse?
The horse's walk provides sensory input through movement which is variable, rhythmic and repetitive. The resultant movement responses in the client are similar to human movement patterns of the pelvis while walking. The variability of the horse's gait enables the therapist to grade the degree of sensory input to the client, then use this movement in combination with other clinical treatments to achieve desired results. Clients respond enthusiastically to this enjoyable learning experience in a natural setting.
Physically, hippotherapy can improve balance, posture, mobility and function. Hippotherapy may also affect psychological, cognitive, behavioral and communication functions for clients of all ages. Clients who may benefit from hippotherapy can have a variety of diagnoses: examples include Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Developmental Delay, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Autism and Learning or Language Disabilities. However, hippotherapy is not for every client. Each potential client must be evaluated on an individual basis by specially trained health professionals.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Myofascial Body Therapy
and movement will be restricted more than it already is. I have included a link to some further information on it . I have been getting this type of massage every other week for the past 2 years . I hope you find this interesting and helpful
Below is an excerpt from the article :
Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein as well as all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one structure that exists from head to foot without interruption. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater.
Fascia also plays an important role in the support of our bodies, since it surrounds and attaches to all structures. These structures would not be able to provide the stability without the constant pull of the fascial system. In fact, our bones can be thought of as tent poles, which cannot support the structure without the constant support of the guide wires (or fascia) to keep an adequate amount of tension to allow the tent (or body) to remain upright with proper equilibrium.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Electric Stimulation
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Be Careful
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Funny Remembrance
The moment came to open the back door and go outside to breath the fresh , cold morning air . As soon as the back door opened and I proceeded through it, I was confronted by approximately 25 hospital workers Smoking Their Brains Out. I think that brief event should go in a movie.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Voice Activated Telephone
This company focuses on Voice Activated Equipment. I don't have any experience with their other products. Good luck
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Standing Frame
article for this blog.
Used Equipment
out. When I am in a loud place, people can not hear me speak. I need to wait for a break in my near constant muscle spasms to get a Big Breath.
The way I combat that is to exercise my lungs using a PowerBreathe. Three times per day with 40 of my hardest breaths used during each session. It has helped me a lot. My issues are not solved, just lessened.
Friday, January 2, 2009
TV Remote Control -- Hands Free
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Swimming Pool Lift
Dragon Naturally Speaking
I would like to speak about Dragon Naturally Speaking. I can not say enough good things about this program. Dragon Naturally Speaking is a software program that allows you to operate your computer with your voice. Anything that can be done with your hands can also be done with your voice using Dragon Naturally Speaking. I have been using it for six years and it has leveled the playing field. I am typing this post using Dragon Naturally Speaking right now. It is not difficult to set up and I have a friend that has a consulting company that will come to your home, set up the program and train you on it. You will get a complete understanding. He operates in the Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island areas. After receiving his permission, I will provide a link to his company. There is a link to Dragon Naturally Speaking on the right-hand side of this blog. Good luck