I sort of got away from adaptive equipment a little. I promise to get back to it in earnest shortly.
Does it bother you as much as it bothers me when someone that is not handicapped, parks in a handicapped parking space? Or, when someone that is completely able to walk dupes the system, gets a handicapped parking permit and deprives someone of that space?
"Sorry about that, I will just be a minute" How many times have you heard that?
A couple of years ago, someone parked in a handicapped space at the moment of my needing it, depriving me of that space. I opened the car door and yelled to my wife to please get my WHEELCHAIR. For some odd reason, the person that took my space, got religion and moved the car. There was no confrontation or words over the issue. I don't recommend anyone start a fight. Most people that realize what they have done will reverse it anyway.
Well, to blow off some steam, just watch the movie, "Me, Myself, and Irene". There is a great scene when Jim Carrey thinks somebody wrongly parked in a handicapped space.
Also, go to youtube.com and type in "Handicapped Parking". There are a lot of homemade videos on the subject. Some are pretty funny.
Have a Good Day and Try to Laugh