Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mighty Powerful Berries

Below is some writing and a link to some audio by Carol Watson RN, ND about "The Power of the Purple Pill: Vineyard Blend”

A wake-up call:
The far-reaching effects of cardiovascular disease and provide hope that there IS something we can do about it. "I share my own experience as a Cardiac Intensive Care Nurse and overview the published research that includes the orchard, garden and vineyard blends." As I shared at the conclusion of the call, “I am on a mission to help you prevent what I witnessed first-hand, day in and day out at the bedside in nursing….the emotional, physical and financial burden and turmoil of having a loved one suffer from PREVENTABLE disease! What I know is that heart disease (or any other chronic illness) is a condition that begins slowly and silently and progresses over the years. Diseases don’t just happen; we ‘earn’ them! By age 40 most people are declining in health whether they ‘feel’ it or not. They may have as many as 10 chronic illnesses beginning in their body….these CAN BE REVERSED with diet, lifestyle and Juice Plus+ ®.”

I hope you put this recording to good use as we flood the world with health education about disease prevention and in turn flood NSA with new Vineyard blend orders for those we love and care about!

Thank you for your interest in sharing our message of Improving Health Naturally,
Carol Watson RN, ND, NMD

Here is the link for Dr. Carol Watson’s call on the Vineyard Blend:

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